I would like to introduce you to Amy Dokken from Studio Starfish. Isn’t she a doll?!? I met Amy about a year ago when we attended a photography workshop together. I am truly blessed to be able to network with other Minneapolis based photographers that turn into friends. The more I learn about Amy, the more I realize we have in common. We both love Volvo cars, love travel/living abroad, and of course the best part, the love for all things Nikon! Us Nikonians must stick together and take on the photography world!
I recently had the chance to spend a couple hours goofing around Downtown Wayzata with Amy in an attempt for both of us to collect new images of ourselves. This is no easy task. After all, I’m a photographer because being in front of the lens is just too awkward. I shot some totally gorgeous images of Ms. Amy. I’m honored to know her and she is truly an asset to the Minneapolis photography community. Oh, and she blogged some images of me over here.